Episode 1: Demystifying agile team roles - Product Owner (Q&A)


In this webinar Maria Arnaoutaki, Senior Product Manager at Spotify, Maya Toutountzi, Head of Product Management at Transifex and Konstantinos Vasileiou, Senior Product Manager of Workable talk through their Product Owner “adventures”.

Listen Today For

  • What should someone expect from a Product Owner?

  • How could a PO role help and support a team to reach its goals?

  • Which are the activities of the PO and the interaction with the team?

  • What are the role challenges within a team and in a broader organizational context?

Plus, Questions From the Audience:

  • How do you ensure your backlog retains actual value (continuous prioritization)? Do you use any particular frameworks, such as OKRs, JTBD, RICE, or Kano?

  • As a PO getting feedback from customers and engage them is vital. How do you manage to communicate and cooperate with them effectively?

  • Can you give some hints about collaboration of a Product Owners with the other roles (e.g Tech lead, Scrum Master, Designer, QA)?

  • Who is writing the acceptance criteria for a user story? the PO? the QA? other?

So we asked Maria, Maya and Kostas to share some of their experiences.

Listen to this episode from Upward Talk on Spotify. Please note this podcast is in Greek. What should someone expect from a Product Owner? How could a PO role help and support a team to reach its goals? What are the role challenges within a team and in a broader organizational context?

You can tune in above👆 on Spotify, Anchor, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic or anywhere you get your podcasts.

Links to love👇👇

Officevibe - team health, team engagement platform

15five.com - Performance Management

Background music from: www.bensound.com



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Free webinar: “Demystifying agile team roles - Product Owner”